Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Always discovering!!

Following our last Skype of Module two, although I am very late to getting around to blogging, I feel like the conversation really stuck with me.
It's hard to know sometimes whether you are on the right track or not. I have found Module two a whirlwind!! A massive stepping stone!
I went from being quite laid back about the course in Module one to being in complete panic mode!!
Right now, I still feel like I am discovering a whole lot of information about the area of Imagery. I am constantly torn between what is necessary reading and useful to me. Sometimes, I feel like I could read and read for years about my topic!
After submitting my draft, I felt very unsure about whether I was moving forwards or not. The skype with Adesola helped as she mentioned the area of Ethics. We all know the ethical concerns when interviewing and observing. But what ethical tensions arise in my specific area?
I realised that there are many when it involves children and learning. For example, I must be aware that some may not agree with me observing a class of children where there may be children who have learning difficulties.
Children may also feel distracted or uneasy with someone different in the room observing them. Is this distracting their learning?
It is also important that during the observations I allow children to express freely. I feel it is important for children to actively be able to share their thoughts and ideas.
Receiving consent is another issue I have thought about more. I realised that even thought I may receive consent from a child's parent, this doesn't mean the child will be comfortable with me observing and therefore I believe she should not be forced to participate.