Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Chat with Adesola on 07/03/17

This evening Adesola held a Skype chat which gave me the chance to chat and listen to people on other modules. I found this so helpful as module 3 seems like such a long time away and a very unknown territory, so it was great to hear about what the module 3 students are currently working on. We started the chat talking about the second part to module 1 which is about our Reflective Practice. Immediately I thought about how relevant this is to my current situation. Eleanor and Lauren both mentioned quotes that rang clear to me. "Enjoy the journey not the destination" At the moment in my own professional practice I am auditioning for various performance jobs. However I am working three other jobs and I feel I get caught up with worries about where I am actually going with my professional practice. I am constantly panicking that I am not where I want to be. But I do forget that I am taking little steps to try and improve my professional practice and develop my skills. This leads back to the quote about enjoying the journey because really we all have ideas about where we want to end up but really we do not know where our journey will take us. I have decided to make much more of an effort to enjoy the journey I am on and try not to overthink and worry about where and what I will end up doing.
 It was interesting to listen to the module 3 students speaking about the interviews they are currently holding. I don't have a lot of interview experience but meeting with agents for me was quite daunting and the interviews I felt most comfortable with were when an agent left me the scope to develop my answer and then this may lead down a new route and open conversation topics. It is quite difficult to relax when you are constantly being asked short and specific questions. The location of an interview was another topic that came up and it is something I probably wouldn't have thought of but is definitely important. When I think back on interviews I have done if you feel like you are in a location where you feel comfortable and isn't too busy you begin to relax and enjoy the conversation rather than thinking of it as an interrogation which Lawrence mentioned. If you are interviewing someone you don't want them to be easily distracted or feel like they can't really open up to you because the location isn't suitable. This is definitely something I will consider when I begin interviews.
 Finally, it was good to be reminded about the importance of analysis and Adesola mentioned that with the tasks it is important not to just tick boxes but to really think about how the tasks can relate to your own professional practice and to analyse the certain moments that are really significant to my own interests.


  1. Hey Jessica - I couldn't agree more. I think a lot of the time I don't think about how impressive what we are doing is. Anybody else would look at our lives and think 'following our dreams' is so exciting. I think we need to learn to appreciate this ourselves - and as you said not to worry so much about our in between jobs to keep us going. We just need to trust we are doing as much as we can. 'Whatever happens in life is fine - just trust in that' - a lovely quote from Orlando Bloom I like to refer to if I am feeling stressed.

    1. Exactly sometimes I think to myself when I'm stressed out what is the worst that could happen and really it is that things don't work out the way I had planned and I'm a firm believer in the saying "Everything happens for a reason" But I totally agree with you when you say we need to trust in ourselves!!
