Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Beginning to blog!!

The thought of having my own blog is something that would never have entered  my mind. It is something I find quite daunting as sometimes I feel like what I might be saying is wrong or my ideas won't be great! But if anything this is a challenge!!

Before out first Skype interview last week I was unsure what to expect. However after speaking to Paula, Adesola and the other girls I felt at ease and quite excited for the journey ahead. The way of learning that we are about to enter into is one I have never experienced. Coming from a background where a step is either wrong or right or you are singing the wrong or right harmony I became quite used to there always being a right or wrong and not trying to discover my own answer. I know now that I need to adjust to a new way of learning and making my own decisions. I feel that reading others blogs will really help me to realise that nobody is right or wrong, that this is a place where we can share our thoughts and help each other along the way. I'm looking forward to learning more about myself during this process as well and developing both professionally and personally!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jessica. I am to be starting on the BAPP course also.

    Like you I was very nervous and unsure of what to expect but after the first call my nerves have turned to excitement.

    It is so true as performers we are told so much wrong or right/ yes or no so this course will be great for us to have that chance to explore and not to be told good or bad and have the freedom to explore with ideas. I hope we have a successful and insightful journey on the course.

    Best wishes
    Lauren Harper
